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Some FREE software for your PC



Here are some free programs for you to download. There are some alphabet games, and a utility to speak any text found within a document that contains prime essay https://primeessays.com/

Each program is supplied in a Zip archive - after downloading this, click the right hand mouse button over it and select 'Extract'.

L'il Mouth - a free screen reader utility. Highlight any text within a document, copy to the clipboard and click on L'il Mouth to hear it spoken. Very handy. Click here to go to the L'il Mouth page.
Alphazap - a shoot-em-up alphabet game.
Alphacard - letter-picture matching, and upper-lower case matching combined in a memory game.
Alphasort - click the letters in order, or to a random sequence - works wonders for alphabet sequencing skills!
The Slavonic abacus, brilliant maths teaching aid. We also offer the real thing.